The Debugger Alliance

Original Release Date: 12/11/2988

When the Fantajī Home Entertainment System (known as FHES) was released in 2985, it was a smashing success. Combining state-of-the-art headset technology with edge-of-your-seat graphics pushed the boundaries of what interactivity could accomplish. But, as the fidelity of music, graphics, and gameplay evolved, the hunger for these devolved. Fans pined for the days of pixelated graphics, simple storylines, epic heroes, and quests. Enter Raze The Endless Tower, a multiplayer, cooperative romp through a mystical land known as Rōzuk, known for its prized, magical flowers, which had undergone a terrible transformation by an invading warlord known as Akuryō. Nearly ten Earth feet tall, the hulking monster designed five terrible Towers to watch over the land, from which his minions launched counterattacks to anyone who dared invade. The player was tasked with forming a war party to ambush each tower and restore the Five Petals of the Rose of Peace, a symbol of Rōzuk's commitment to the planet. Without it, their allies would not come to their aid, fearing the land had been lost to evil forever. Its pixelated and simplified graphics harkened back to the entertainment systems of millennia ago, and its cooperative gameplay encouraged friends and family to create their own characters to enter the strange and fantastic world. The Debugger Alliance, hot off their debut album ASCii, were commissioned to create the throwback soundtrack, which very much mirrored their own style. With bleeps and bloops abound, they crafted a distinct set of encouraging beats that would carry players from the Start Screen to the End Credits, amplifying the journey with sound effects and motifs that would ensure that the stakes were always high, but incredibly fun. The influence of Raze The Endless Tower is still reverberating today, and, though it never spawned any sequels (the story had met its satisfying conclusion), gamers are still finding ways to unlock secrets hidden within one of the most incredible adventures of all time.

Side A

  1. Your Journey Begins

  2. Provisions & Good Luck

  3. Akuryō Invades

  4. The Road Most Traveled

  5. Tower of Ice

  6. Amulet of Heart

  7. Tower of Bone

  8. Ghosts of Roses Past

  9. Smithy, Your Expertise

  10. Bivouac

Side B

  1. Rise! We Are Not Defeated, Yet!

  2. Tower of Flame

  3. Shield of the Sun

  4. Tower of Crimson

  5. Running Cold

  6. Tower of Water

  7. Swift Over The Mountains

  8. Raze The Endless Tower

  9. Akuryō's Last Stand

  10. From Mud To Mayhem (And Back Again)

The Music of Raze The Endless Tower

From Mud To Mayhem (And Back Again)
The Debugger Alliance

Additional Images