R4V3N & The Stargazers

Original Release Date: 09/26/2594

Blame it on illegal substances (industrial adhesive, pure grain alcohol, Zzyzx juice, etc.), but Pelican Nebula castaway R4V3N owed much of his fame to his wild stage show and his gigantic raven (an inky Earth avian) costume, which was heavily influenced by substances that might have otherwise sent a mere mortal creature to Lord Prosect's notorious intergalactic prison, nicknamed The Devil's Basement. While we can thank these substances for some of R4V3N's most enduring tracks and albums, they began to take their toll on his mind and body. Left with a choice between permanent memory loss and living sober (for at least several more decades), he decided to brave what the industry calls "a death sentence." Often, the sobering of prolific musicians dooms them to sudden genre changes, much meditating, and the neutering of their essence. While one would think that the gigantic raven costume, which became synonymous with the artist, would go directly in the trash, he instead turned to fans to help him create a new version, one that would be by his supporters and for his supporters. With a clear head, his sobriety journey took the form of The Cleanse, a study of what was possible without the help of psychotropic and damaging edibles. Featuring eight blistering tracks that saw him venture into heavier territory, this was as much a rallying cry for clarity as it was eight fun-loving beats to throw the masses into their own soaring experiences. Few copies of The Cleanse are as clean, pun intended, and preserved as this one, allowing the backing track of his touring band, The Stargazers, to shine as brightly as R4V3N's star.

Side A

  1. Enough

  2. See The Light

  3. Talisman

  4. Soaring Now

Side B

  1. Leaving The Nest

  2. Detoxification

  3. Fever Dreams

  4. I Can't Remember (Lossless)

The Cleanse

R4V3N & The Stargazers

Additional Images