Peace & Quiet

Original Release Date: 02/20/3333

Spring is a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, un-hibernation. A magical exploration of colors, sounds, and life that reminds us that the cold dark has been temporarily banished until your particular planet comes back 'round. For Peace & Quiet, a duo from the quiet cul-de-sac of Prima IV, spring was just the beginning of their four-album concept entitled Seasoning. Beginning with Spring Again, they tapped into the rhythms of their idyllic street; the two had been neighbors before their foray into beat-making. Whether that was the undulating traffic of delivery bikes or the songbirds tweeting out their enjoyment of the pinks and pastels that littered the trees. Their influence on the electronic music scene on Prima IV was massive. Their tones invited toes to tap and heads to bob, but it had the intended (or possibly unintentional) effect of transporting listeners back to their homes, streets, and playgrounds of their youth. Spring, to children, was a much more powerful tool, widening imaginations and inviting play back into the tangible. Peace, real name Pesefilous, and Quiet, real name Kwaiton, had tapped a well that was long since hidden, overcoming the strongest of adults to recede back to their Happy Place. Summer Simmer, Fall Flat, and Winter Hangover all received equal success, each dropping at least three Top 10 Hits (Winter Hangover scored four in total). Sunday Morning, their first single and one of the longest beats in our collection, played in its entirety across Prima IV that spring, charging the atmosphere with the infectious need to dance and to consider the things lost among the years.

Side A

  1. Yawn

  2. Glimmer

  3. Cul-de-sac

  4. Sunday Morning

Side B

  1. Knock Knock

  2. Imaginative Play

  3. Dream Slide

  4. Before Sundown

Spring Again

Sunday Morning
Peace & Quiet

Additional Images