Raining On The Moon

Original Release Date: 04/24/3279

The Moon of Earth (referred to as Chippy by most of us outside the Milky Way Galaxy) is a rather uninteresting place. Gray, barren, cold, not to mention odorous; it was once not an exciting destination by any means. But what it does offer is tranquility and, of course, the gems that rain down from its atmosphere. Raining On The Moon is not some poetic drivel to signify loneliness, it is an absolute fact and one that the aforementioned band learned to live with. You see, dear Audionauts, Earth's moon has not been void of life in its history (though its soil indicates otherwise). Since the dawn of its creation, when a drunk pilot accidentally slammed his cargo into a rather vulnerable piece of Earth, the Moon has unfortunately been the home of a proud people who survived purely on ingenuity. After separating from their former planet, the Chippers found solace in the land they had known for centuries, and, with the help of technology that had been developed to harvest water, they created a new atmosphere to protect themselves from the coldness of space and welcome what little light bled from their sun. The unintended consequence of these actions was the formation of metallic clouds which would rain down gems of white onto the surface of the Moon (Chippy). While dodging the deadly and sharp rainfall soon became an art unto itself, it was the sounds that these mysterious rocks made midflight and upon the impact that inspired Raining On The Moon to form. Their self-titled debut is a soundscape of wonder; whether it was from the perspective of hunkering down in a cave or high above the clouds, it was the magical, daily event that would capture audiences' imaginations and propel the band into success. The Moon suddenly had become a destination worth risking your life for, and the wealth that arrived with each storm wasn't so bad either. Raining On The Moon could not muster enough strength or creativity to release a sophomore album, but the indelible mark they left solidified Chippy as one of the most successful accidents in our Universe.

Side A

  1. Odyssey

  2. Brewing Storm

  3. Metallic Clouds and Raining Gems

  4. Safety From The Downpour

Side B

  1. Cave of Wonders

  2. From Above

  3. Moonbeams

  4. Keep Watching The Skies

Raining On The Moon

Metallic Clouds and Raining Gems
Raining On The Moon

Additional Images