The Voice of the Cosmic Void

Original Release Date: 07/28/6666 (1666 AM)

The organs did play that day, my friends. Proudly yet cautiously, they beckoned to the heavens for the Cosmic Void to ascend to amplify the Voice of the people of the planet known as Grafeem. Led by their enigmatic leader "C"—and that was good enough for him—who was blinded by what he called "the Voice of the Cosmic Void" after stumbling upon a mysterious cave overlooking his village, a gathering of 100 million Grafeemers waited patiently for their divine overseer to appear. C commissioned his flock to channel the sounds he heard that fateful day to welcome the mysterious force into an album of welcoming worship music. Played, now, through massive speakers anchored to the mountain that sparked the religious sect, the Cosmic Voice appeared, immediately silencing the crowd. Those who witnessed the miracle could barely put into words what they had experienced: their unique song deposited straight into their brains. Each note and melody lifted the flock straight into the air, their eyes slowly blinded by the aura that enveloped Grafeem. Suddenly, and without explanation, they vanished. All that was left was a record player, the soothing worship music that C had first witnessed echoing among the mountains. Discovered by Grafeemers, who had returned from a government-funded exploration mission to a nearby asteroid, this was the only evidence that C, and his followers, had ever existed. The original album cover, which was originally reconstructed using non-believer eyewitness testimony and advanced DNA techniques, would go on to solve several murders in the Henson galaxy almost a century later. Unfortunately, this cover has been lost to time, a reissued version sporting C’s favorite symbolic necklace.

Side A

  1. Fate

  2. Divine Intervention

  3. Last Rites

  4. Behold, Believe!

Side B

  1. Sound The Trumpets

  2. A Song For Thee

  3. Pulp Fiction

  4. The Teachings Of The Cosmic Voice

Pulp Fiction

Last Rites
The Voice of the Cosmic Void

Additional Images