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Missed Connections


Original Release Date: 05/20/2248

Going to the well once more, Telephone Tough Guy used their overflowing notebook of noteworthy gossip to perfection with their quasi-concept album Missed Connections. Instead of intergalactic telephone calls, the transmissions between departments at the massive Cornelia Transit Hub were the star, as well as the strange interference, possible from a nearby black hole, that would permeate the PA system nearly non-stop. Turning these separate beats into cohesive songs took a decade to finesse (an unexpected xenomorph attack did not help in the least), though their debut carried them financially through this difficult creative time. Armed with eight new tracks, the story of Missed Connections went on to inspire a trilogy of movies about the CTH (mostly revolving around the aforementioned xenomorph attack) as well a dedicated radio station onboard to drown out the very sounds that inspired them.

Missed Connections (Back).jpg

Side A

  1. Permission To Board

  2. Tractor Beamin’

  3. Red/Yellow/Green

  4. Perpetual Motion

Side B

  1. Turning On Time

  2. Clean-Up In Bay 4

  3. Xenomorph

  4. Depth Charges
