Rot Blast

Original Release Date: 01/22/2659

The difference in live energy and unimaginable death took place in the space of only a millisecond. Leaning one way or the other did not result in favorable outcomes either. It was this precision that was the tenet of Rot Blast's musical odyssey. After witnessing the spectacular failure of their military's latest nuclear teleportation technology in a public demonstration, they set to work to find a creative outlet that would take them as far away from their planet as possible. Hailing from Nakk, the Nakkians had little to fear. A primarily friendly race, they traded with large swaths of the galaxy, produced award-winning actors, and kept their solar system in an almost museum-like state. If anyone had a beef with the Nakkians, it was the leadership of their tribe system who, after losing investments in military hardware, decided to create a war in order to pay themselves back. The six-legged Nakkians and their rather shapeless heads and large, forgiving eyes suddenly attacked a neighboring star system, depleting the crops on Aks to which they had been allies for years. The demonstration of the teleportation device, which resulted in the radioactive melting of a participating Nakk, due to a timing error, was the last straw. Rot Blast saw a draft in their future, into a war they had no business in, and refused to be sacrificed for. Rushing home, they composed μs in just a few hours. The local radio station slammed the airwaves with the alien-like sound (for Nakk, at least), and within days the foursome was off-world and onto their first live gig. One may chastise Rot Blast for their haste, leaving behind their peers to be churned in the future gears of the Aksos war machine, but it was their very self-expulsion that caught the intergalactic press' attention. The heat was on for the Nakkian government, which fell several months later after three attempted coups all succeeded and then immediately failed. Rot Blast attempted to recreate the magic of those mighty hours in a sophomore album, but one never materialized. But, dear Audionauts, we are thankful for that, for it means that the Nakkians, and the Aksos, were at peace. For now...

Side A

  1. War Machine

  2. Rad Herring

  3. Take Down Your Leader

  4. Nakk Attacks!

Side B

  1. Off World

  2. Chewed Up

  3. Jump Wings

  4. If It Weren't For You, We'd Still Be Alive


Rad Herring
Rot Blast

Additional Images