


Original Release Date: 10/11/3775

Wearily, from the seaside cliffs of the Boolgar Funnel System, trembled the mighty beatmakers known as Kukeri. They did not shake from the chill of the crisp morning air, nor the fear of heights (or embarrassment), but from the weight of their own fur. Though their bodies stood six feet tall and another six wide, it was their four-foot heads, and the dense, flowing hide that concealed all but their mouths, that would come to define their explosive, universal debut. Their self-titled album was based in part on a short story written about their local customs and tribal rituals, all in the service of spring and fall harvests. The rather subdued performances enchanted listeners to take a holiday upon their homeworld and witness the constant threat of jealous outsiders attempting to disrupt what they claimed was a “sacrificial” ritual. While those allegers were never heard from or seen again, we know from subsequent releases that the Boolgar Funnel System has maintained bountiful and delicious harvests due to the many melodies of Kukeri.

Side A

  1. A Cable From Afar

  2. Sink Or Swim?

  3. Garden Of Delights

  4. The Disappearance

Side B

  1. ‘Round The Maypole

  2. Sinister Beast

  3. Festival & Sacrifice

  4. Seaside Siren

Seaside Siren