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Hundreds & Thousands

Les Volontaires

Original Release Date: 03/06/4250

When an extraterrestrial melody invaded the minds of the townspeople of Proxima III, it was a welcome addition to their rather mundane routine of plucking queloz fruits and churning them into various pastes, jellies, and salves. But what started as a soundtrack to brighten their days, turned into a nightmare of sleepless nights and the unbearable lack of peace and quiet. A local chemist theorized that the sound might be a signal of some kind, and with the help of a series of tuning forks, was able to translate it. What was uncovered was not as jolly as the harmonies that bounced between the amateur tools, it was a distress signal. Without the proper equipment, it would take a miracle to return the message. Assembling the people of Proxima III took months; the creation of a synthesizer the size of a small moon took years; teaching everyone to learn how to play in sequence took decades. After 100 years, and many advances in technology, Proxima III finally returned the message. Not even five minutes passed before a lone space frigate emerged in their orbit waving a flag of peace. Proxima III welcomed their new reptilian neighbors with pride, eventually gifting them Hundreds & Thousands to commemorate their historic arrival.

Original Database Entry: Using a synthesizer the size of a small moon, and operated by hundreds of volunteers, Hundreds & Thousands took nearly a century to compile (getting that many participants to play sequences in order proved difficult). It was only issued to the volunteers, though some of them sold them on the open market, leading to an increased rarity among collectors.

Side A

  1. The Strange Signal

  2. A Sequencer To Rule Them All

  3. Writer’s Blockade

  4. Paradiddle

Side B

  1. Proxima Nova

  2. Round & Round We Go

  3. Mother of Exiles

  4. Peace/Quiet

Writer's Blockade
Les Volontaires