Goodbye, Cruel World.jpg


Cruel World

Original Release Date: 06/10/4019

Unsatisfied with the state of affairs on their home of Teegarden's Star b, Cruel World was a reflection on their incredibly difficult journey towards relevance and recognition. Born out of the unsanctioned experiments that combined citizens with machinery, the four members sought refuge in their keyboardist’s forearm, where the instrument had been embedded. Her glowing surgery became a staple of their live performances, each key pulsating as she soloed over her bandmates pulsating backbeat. Despite the subject matter, and a bit of a heavy lean into music that was objectively sad, Cruel World was able to produce Goodbye with enough life to justify the sudden tone shifts. Dance halls and concertgoers reveled in the ability to stare at their shoes and lift their hands to the sky within the same song. While it did not change the situation on Teegarden's Star b, their protest at Beetstock, almost a millennia later, would finally bring attention and relief aid.

Side A

  1. Don’t Look Up

  2. Elective Surgery

  3. Burning Garbage

  4. Beep-Boop

Side B

  1. A Murder In The Alley

  2. Prove You Are Human

  3. Phase I

  4. C-Beams Speech

C-Beams Speech
Cruel World