The Monotremes

Original Release Date: 06/26/3351

For those of us who lived through the Blue Flue, we are still bearing the scars. In the summer of 3350, a rash of airborne depression seized more than 87% of the universe. So horrifying was the depression that even looking at a creature who had contracted it would cause immediate symptoms in yourself. Motivation went way down; production plummeted, and no one had the gumption to go out into the world and create. Agriculture suffered mightily, and whole communities relied on a select group of growers to help sustain entire planets with sustenance. However, some, and you probably know where this is going, were completely immune to the sad, bedridden effects of the Blue Flue. And some of those were the members of The Monotremes. Gifted with the ability to withstand the radiating waves of depression, they set about healing the universe the only way they knew how: tasty beats. Doodle, based on the early days of the Blue Flue when their boredom turned to draw rudimentary, fake, cure-all plants that would eradicate the virus, was a rallying cry to those who thought this period in intergalactic history would be it's last. Chock full of pounding, upbeat anthems, Doodle was released at the height of Blue Flue and proved to be an antidote for all intents and purposes. While it didn't send the Flue packing, it did elevate spirits to such a degree that output universally was up about 20% within the first week of its release. While the Flue stuck around for at least another decade, it became manageable once a twisting blue plant was found in the deepest reaches of the radioactive asteroid fields surrounding Murlock VII. And wouldn't you know it? It looked exactly like a very familiar Doodle.

Side A

  1. You Have Brains In Your Head?

  2. Blue Flue

  3. Dreamtime

  4. Today Was Good

Side B

  1. Mark-and-Recapture

  2. Black Light

  3. Fails To Impress

  4. Doodle


Blue Flue
The Monotremes

Additional Images