Sorry I Am Late

Original Release Date: 08/21/1350 AM

GR Grimey's sudden heel-like turn into funky synthwave was far from unexpected. Their debut album, while a dark tapestry of tasty beats, still featured an undercurrent that would help them form the basis of their second album City of Screams. While Sorry I Am Late (their nom de plume and debut album title) featured their daily commute through the underworld, City of Screams was rooted in the metropolis center of it all. While screams did abound, it was the neon signs offering the selling of souls, the dirty streets of rage, and the cold rain that swept across the avenues that made the city what it was. The actual City of Screams was quite the hellscape, but one could find some fun if they knew exactly where to look. GR Grimey was once such an entity, and the album's sprawling, hyper-intensive journey was not for the faint of heart, despite the softer tone overall. It was at once an invitation and a warning to those who dared enter the interlocking city streets, which shifted under the living creatures that defined the bedrock. Songs like "Muck Market" and "Coffin Rider" took those who had never ventured far from home on a shadowy walk tucked amongst the folds of GR Grimey's distinctive robe, their lantern keeping the imps and soul-stealers at bay. But it was the relatively calm opener, the title track, that lured listeners; throbbing bass and whining synthesizers dragged you across one of the city's many bridges and rose into a bittersweet crescendo as the gates opened, and there was no going back. City of Screams earned GR Grimey four Top Ten Hits, the most of any album they released, and helped to solidify him among a pack of similar artists that sought to quantify the City of Screams.

Side A

  1. City of Screams

  2. Muck Market

  3. Catacombs of Regret

  4. The Asylum of Teeth

Side B

  1. Coffin Rider

  2. Penance Is A Four Letter Word

  3. Altar of Aggression

  4. Troll Toll

City of Screams

City of Screams
Sorry I Am Late

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