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Bloblem Child

Blobby Fisher

Original Release Date: 04/21/2534

Some say that undersea artist Blobby Fisher should have stayed in the water, that the bends poisoned his sense of timing and song structure. Bloblem Child was the only album he released on land and not only did it prove the critics seriously wrong, but it also ignited a rush to copy its signature sound. Soon, both land lovers and sea dogs were suddenly diving into the ocean and attempting to crawl onto land, all in the hopes of reproducing the crossover hit, going so far as to stalk Blobby as he came and went from his home studio. Crediting his success to the curing of his lifelong swimmer’s ear, it remains to be seen whether his solo efforts could have eclipsed this seminal album. We would get one final sendoff from Blobby, a collaboration between him and rival beatmaker Squidword, but since his return to the ocean depths, the waters have remained suspiciously quiet…

Original Database Entry: Some say that undersea artist Blobby Fisher should have stayed in the water, that the bends poisoned his sense of timing and song structure. Bloblem Child was the only album he released on land and it proved all the critics wrong. Not only was it a monster crossover hit, but it spawned a massive migration that left the waters quite cold and dark, until a rival took up the mantel...

Side A

  1. Bloblem Child

  2. Swimmer’s Ear

  3. Blow The Man Down

  4. Not Just A Pretty Face

Side B

  1. Sinker

  2. Dead Sea

  3. Thought You’d Be Taller

  4. Saline Solution

Bloblem Child
Blobby Fisher