The Thing

Original Release Date: 01/15/3982

From the icy realm of Xeeroks came The Thing! Was it organic? Was it sentient? Dear Audionauts, we might never know whether beatmaker The Thing was a cute furry Quby or a horrifying Zurloor and this was because The Thing was whatever it needed to be. Able to shift the materials that allowed it to be present in our visual world, its stage shows were quite a sight to behold. You would swear that Med Evil and Pizza Bear had graced the stage (playing The Thing's music, of course) and that waiting in the wings were the likes of The Cosmonauts and Humpback. Another World, a tribute to The Thing's homeworld, set the stage for a darker heel turn for the artist. Known for its heavily rotated debut album Some, the bright beats of sunny days, gave way to icy tones and heartbeats, layered over frantic drum melodies designed to make you look over your shoulder. The inspiration for the album came from The Thing's own experience of being bullied in its youth. Because they could take any form, the burden fell on each individual to hone their skills, devour media, and attempt to become a bigger, more threatening version of what they had absorbed. The Thing did not excel, at first, in this area, which led to much consternation, most of which you will find permeating Another World. We know now that The Thing was as friendly a shapeshifter as they come, but the horrors of its peers let imaginations run wild. Were there others among us? Were we who we said we were? Or were they lurking just around the corner?

Side A

  1. Ice Station Xeerocks

  2. Ready

  3. Below Freezing

  4. Natural or Supernatural?

Side B

  1. In Search Of...

  2. Another World

  3. Hiding In Plain Sight

  4. Assimilation

Another World

In Search Of...
The Thing

Additional Images