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After Dinner Mint

Original Release Date: 03/23/3072

From the Horsehead Nebula stumbled the trio of After Dinner Mint. Raucous, self-indulgent, bloated, insatiable, any number of adjectives can be laid upon their off-stage persona. One thing was for sure, the meals of Kings had never been sung about like this before. Their ode to fried treats, baked goods, steamed delights, and chilled relaxants, fostered many relationships with club, bar, and restaurant owners. When After Dinner Mint came to town you knew that all stops should be pulled and all electricity funneled. As was their custom, they would compose right at their table, stuffing their faces full of hot chow and blasting out tasty beats. It was a pattern that earned them great success with their self-titled second album ADM. But this radical lifestyle had its pitfalls, and all three members found themselves in the hospital hooked up to bags of gravy and pastry cream. They had turned themselves into the very thing they craved and now there was no turning back. A third album had been teased, but due to the costly treatment they required, and much bickering over their final check, their breakup was all but guaranteed.

Original Database Entry: From the Horsehead Nebula stumbled the trio of After Dinner Mint, their self-titled second album a testament to their ever-evolving talents (though much bickering over the check lead to their breakup soon after).

Side A

  1. Appeteazer

  2. Your Most Expensive Bottle

  3. To Bib Or Not To Bib?

  4. Main, Of Course

Side B

  1. Seconds

  2. Flambé

  3. Split Sound Check

  4. Unwrapped

After Dinner Mint